The Papers of the British School at Rome exists to publish work related to the archaeology, history and literature of Italy and other parts of the mediterranean area up to modern times, in the first instance by the staff of the School and by its present and former members. The Papers is edited by the Faculty of Archaeology, History and Letters of the Council of the BSR, and is a refereed journal.
Rosamond McKitterick, with a contribution by Geoffrey Rickman, Donald Auberon Bullough, 13 June 1928–26 June 2002 (pp. vii-xii)
Robin Skeates, Prehistoric chert exploitation in the Valle del Cesolone (Macerata): a preliminary project report (pp. 1-15)
Henry Hurst and Dora Cirone, with a contribution by Angela Clara Infarinato, Excavations of the pre-Neronian nova via, Rome (pp. 17-84)
Andrew Wilson, Late antique water-mills on the Palatine (pp. 85-109)
Fabio Barry, The late antique ‘domus’ on the Clivus Suburanus, the early history of Santa Lucia in Selci, and the Cerroni altarpiece in Grenoble (pp. 111-139)
G.A. Loud, The monastic economy in the principality of Salerno during the eleventh and twelfth centuries (pp. 141-179)
Ian Holgate, The cult of Saint Monica in quattrocento Italy: her place in Augustinian iconography, devotion and legend (pp. 181-206)
Frances Muecke, Humanists in the Roman Forum (pp. 207-233)
Anthony Majanlahti, English properties in Rome, 1450–1517 (pp. 235-257)
Anne Dunlop, Pinturicchio and the pilgrims: devotion and the past at Santa Maria del Popolo (pp. 259-285)
David R. Marshall, Tivoli not Ariccia: Gaspard Dughet’s View of ‘Ariccia’ in the National Gallery, London (pp. 287-303)