The book contains the poems of the great South American poet and writer Mario Benedetti, translated for the first time into Italian by Francesco Luti. “ In the elegant « Libreria del Caffè» series of the publisher Pagliai Polistampa, Francesco Luti offers Difesa dell’allegria, the first Italian anthology (with parallel text) of the poetry of this master of Latin American literature. It is an opportunity not to be missed. ” Maurizio Cucchi, Il libro della settimana de «La Stampa», 28 giugno 2000. "There can be no celebration, no happiness, no allegria in a world that is not less arbitrary for everyone, more humane and just. Against every inequality, joy - as Benedetti writes - should be defended as a principle, a flag, a destiny, a certainty and a right". Antonio Imbò, «Il Corriere di Firenze», 15 giugno 2000. “ The translation by Francesco Luti retains heat, the heat and the explosion of the original, and expresses itself with a voice that is, at the same time, low and thoughtful, loud and engaging. ” Lêdo Ivo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 9, 2000. “ A book that cannot be missed ” . «Jornal do Commercio», Recife, Brasile, 30 settembre 2000. “E xcellent translations of a great rioplatense poet.” Norma Perez Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 11, 2000. “A real breakthrough, between sharp and bitter epigraphy and swirling narrative”. Giuseppe Pontiggia. 1st edition: April 2000 1st reprint: November 2015