Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Horse

Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Horse

Upper Respiratory Tract, Thorax, Abdomen, Urogenital Tract

Edited by Michael Röcken and Bernhard Ohnesorge

With Claus Peter Bartmann, Walter Brehm and Kerstin Gerlach

Other Claus Peter Bartmann, Walter Brehm, Kerstin Gerlach, Claus Peter Bartmann, Walter Brehm and Kerstin Gerlach

Contributions by Claus Peter Bartmann, Walter Brehm and Kerstin Gerlach

by Claus Peter Bartmann, Walter Brehm and Kerstin Gerlach

Imprint: Schlütersche

188 Pages, 8.5 x 11 in, 316 images

  • Hardcover
  • 9783899936803
  • September 2015
  • Temporarily out of stock. Ships in 8-12 weeks.

