These two volumes report on five season's excavation and four millennia of occupation at Kilise Tepe, from the Early Bronze Age through the rise and fall of the Hittite Empire and into the Byzantine era when the mound was crowned by a substantial church. The site takes its importance from its position guarding the Göksu Valley, one of the two main routes from the interior of Anatolia to the Mediterranean opposite Cyprus, so that it gives a record of relations between the interior and the seaboard. Of particular interest are the sequence from the Hittite Empire through the end of the Bronze Age and into the classical world, and the Byzantine levels associated with the church. The multi-authored report gives a full account of the stratigraphy and architecture, the ceramics and other artefacts, and various environmental studies.
VOLUME 1 Part A: Introduction Introduction to the Project and the Publication (Nicholas Postgate); The Site of Kilise Tepe (Nicholas Postgate); The Kilise Tepe Area in Pre-Classical and Hellenistic Times (Nicholas Postgate); The Kilise Tepe Area in the Byzantine Era (Mark Jackson); The Excavations and their Results (Nicholas Postgate); Part B: The Surface Collection The Surface Collection (David Thomas); Part C: The Excavations Introduction (Nicholas Postgate); Fire Installations (Nicholas Postgate); Pits (Nicholas Postgate); Level V: the Early Bronze Age (L Seffen); Level IV: the Middle Bronze Age (Nicholas Postgate); Level III: the Late Bronze Age (S H Blakeney); Level II: the End of the Bronze Age and the Iron Age (Nicholas Postgate and David Thomas); The East Slope (Nicholas Postgate); Trenches South of the Church (Mark Jackson and Nicholas Postgate); The Church (Mark Jackson); The Northwest Corner, Level I (Mark Jackson); The Northeast Corner Sub-surface Clearance (Mark Jackson); Architectural Fragments (Mark Jackson and Dominique Collon); Part D: The Pottery Recovery and Recording (Nicholas Postgate); Pottery Fabrics and Technology (Carl Knappett); The Early Bronze Age pottery (Dorit Symington); The Middle Bronze Age pottery (Dorit Symington); Pottery from Level III (Connie Hansen); Pottery from Level II (Connie Hansen); 'Geometric' pottery (Nicholas Postgate); The Mycenaean pottery (Elizabeth B French and Jonathan Tomlinson); Hellenistic ceramics and lamps (Lisa Nevett and Mark Jackson); Pottery from Level I (S M Barnett and Mark Jackson); Part E: The Small Finds Recovery and recording (Nicholas Postgate); Arrangement in the publication (Nicholas Postgate); Seals with hieroglyphic inscriptions (Dorit Symington); Other glyptic (Dominique Collon); Miscellaneous clay artefacts (Dominique Collon and Dorit Symington); Loomweights (Dominique Collon and Dorit Symington); Spindle whorls (Dominique Collon and Dorit Symington); Beads (Dominique Collon and Dorit Symington); Glass (Dominique Collon); Mosaic tesserae (Dominique Collon); Metalwork (Dominique Collon and Dorit Symington); Bone, horn and ivory (Dominique Collon and Polydora Baker); Fossils (Dominique Collon); Lithics (Tim Reynolds); Smaller stone artefacts (Dominique Collon and Dorit Symington); Larger stone artefacts (Dominique Collon); Coins (Koray Konuk); Part F: Environmental Studies Introduction (Nicholas Postgate); The archaeobotanical assemblages (Jo Bending); Processing, storing, eating and disposing: the phytolith evidence form Iron Age Kilise Tepe (Marco Madella); Fish remains from Bronze Age to Byzantine levels (W Van Neer and M Waelkens); Human remains (Jessica Pearson); Dating (Peter Kuniholm and V R Switsur); VOLUME 2Appendices Appendix 1: Archaeobotanical data; Appendix 2: List of Excavation Units; References; Figures; Artefacts; Maps, plans and sections; Colour figures.
David Thomas is the former Director of Technology at the National Archives, where he was responsible for systems, the online catalogue, the website and the preservation of digital records. He has a long-standing interest in crime, imprisonment and poverty and has written extensively on these topics for family history magazines. He is the author of Beggars Cheats and Forgers: A History of Frauds Through the Ages (Pen & Sword, 2014).